The AGM took place on 11th May. Office bearers were elected along with council members. See Who’s Who page. Two motions were discussed at length and members voted on these.
The first was to reduce the frequency of meetings on a Thursday morning. Members voted to keep the weekly meetings, to meet for fellowship, to enjoy each other’s company, discussion and tea, coffee and biscuits. Planned activities and talks will be less frequent.
The second motion was regarding the qualification for membership in Rule 3.1 of the Society’s Rule Book. There was strong and passionate discussion on this and when the vote was taken, the motion to change the qualification for membership to “Must be interested in Scotland and Scottish life and activities” was passed.
Previously a member had to be born in Scotland or be of Scottish Descent (ie have a parent or a grandparent born in Scotland) or be married to a ‘Qualified’ member or be the widow or widower of a deceased member.
posted 12/5/23